Youth and Placemaking in Public Space

Saturday, 1 April 2023, 3pm

On the occasion of the Aedes exhibition of Ursula Schulz-Dornburg's photographs from her publication Huts, Temples, Castles published by MACK books on the Jongensland Playground Amsterdam in 1969, ANCB hosts an international Lab Talk on participatory placemaking and knowledge-sharing with regard to children and youths in public space today.

Video: Reframe

Already in 1996, UNICEF and UN-Habitat launched an initiative called Child Friendly Cities, declaring that the "wellbeing of children is the ultimate indicator of a healthy habitat, a democratic society and of good governance." The inclusion of the young generation's needs in planning our cities and regions is also a quest for creating a better and just society as a whole, overcoming class-, income-, age-, race- and gender boundaries. Urban planning strategies that open opportunities for children may improve mental and physical health, reduce criminal damage and antisocial behaviour and change attitudes towards  teamwork and self-assessment, thus reducing later consequences (and costs) to society. The Lab Talk will also look at how the younger generation utilises items and materials deemed as 'junk' and makes the most of the world around them in the spirit of a circular economy.

The Lab Talk will ask how to incorporate flexible, ad-hoc and democratic space development as a form of participation and freedom for the young generation. What can architects, planners and policy-makers do or provide in urban space to make children feel addressed, inspired and safe? How can we learn from less structured, less 'orderly' placemaking or appropriation of space to allow a glimpse into a playful future or even an utopian version of our cities and societies? How can we value children on a societal level in public space, rather than focusing on economic returns?


Miriam Mlecek, Programme Manager, ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin

Tom Wilkinson, Architecture History Lecturer, University of London; Editor, The Architectural Review, London

Viktoria Walldin, White Arkitekter, Flickrum project, Stockholm
Hannah Wright, Urban Planner, Amsterdam
Anne Müller, Kinderfreundliche Kommunen, an initiative by UNICEF and Kinderhilfswerk e.V., Berlin
Trine Agervig Carstensen, Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture and Planning, University of Copenhagen

Panel Discussion
with speakers and Manfred Nowak, Secretary General of the Global Campus of Human Rights, Venice
moderated by Maria Vassilakou, Urban Planner, Consultant, Vienna

Generously supported by:
Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin
British Council Berlin
Embassy of Sweden in Berlin
The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin

Photos © Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk




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