Climate Neutral Design
Business, Politics & Practice

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

A roundtable discussion on how to drive and design for climate neutrality taking place on the occasion of the exhibition A Heart of Wood – Sara Kulturhus in Skellefteå by White Arkitekter at Aedes Architecture Forum.

Exhibition view A Heart of Wood – Sara Kulturhus in Skellefteå by White Arkitekter © Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk

With the EU taxonomy and New European Bauhaus setting a strong precedent, there is no better time to push climate neutrality to the forefront of design. Climate Neutral Design Talks brings together protagonists from finance, architecture and engineering to discuss the key challenges ahead for business and politics to steer towards climate neutrality. How will the EU taxonomy contribute? How can certifications clarify and support? What exactly is needed to set goals, find means and create drivers?

In the spirit of New European Bauhaus, it will also be discussed how new ways of practice and design contributes to climate neutrality. How can we maximise the use of existing buildings and structures? How do we adopt low emission materials and construction techniques, or minimise waste? How can we take a circular approach to existing materials? How do we design for low operational energy, or generate renewable energy?

In order for society to achieve global and national goals, it’s vital to work towards the same objectives and strengthen collaboration both within and between industries and across national borders.


Welcome & Introduction
Mathias Schnell, Project Manager and Curator, Aedes Architecture Forum, Berlin
Max Zinnecker, Architect, White Arkitekter, Stockholm

PANEL 1: Business & Politics
Moderated by Marja Lundgren, Sustainability Expert, White Arkitekter, Stockholm

Dr. Anna Braune, Director Research and Development, German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), Stuttgart (video message)
Anna Denell, Director of Sustainability, Vasakronan, Stockholm (video message)
Leoni Gros, Corporate Strategist, Berlin Hyp, Berlin

André Meyer, Director Kompetenzcenter Nachhaltige Immobilien, GLS Gemeinschaftsbank, Berlin
Anna Graaf, Director of Sustainability, White Arkitekter, Gothenburg
Leoni Gros, Corporate Strategist, Berlin Hyp, Berlin
Alexander Happ, Managing Director, ASSIDUUS Development GmbH, Berlin

PANEL 2: Practice & Design
Moderated by Fredrik Källström, Architect, White Arkitekter, Stockholm

Andrea Klinge, Architect, ZRS Architekten Ingenieure, Berlin
Boris Peter, Structural Engineer, knippershelbig, Berlin
Jörg Finkbeiner, Architect, Partner und Partner, Berlin

Andrea Klinge, Architect, ZRS Architekten Ingenieure, Berlin
Boris Peter, Structural Engineer, knippershelbig, Berlin
Jörg Finkbeiner, Architect, Partner und Partner, Berlin
Lucas Young, Architect, Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin
Max Zinnecker, Architect, White Arkitekter, Stockholm

Followed by a visit to the exhibition A Heart of Wood – Sara Kulturhus in Skellefteå with drinks and snacks at Aedes Architecture Forum.

Photos © Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk




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