TU Graz
27 - 29 March 2019

Experimental housing on the ground of the Eutritzscher Freiladebahnhof in Leipzig

In this design workshop the master students of the TU Graz spring semester worked on designs for experimental housing in mass timber structures on the grounds of the Eutritzscher Freiladebahnhof in Leipzig. Developing an open quarter for high quality living, which connects the character of urbanism with a habitation quality of free spaces. The students specifically looked at serial pre-fabrication in an urban environment, with the best possible degree of individualization. Their designs included urban planning, designing outside spaces with different qualities and especially thinking of multi-uses to prevent a mono-functionality.
The workshop was part of a field trip to Berlin lasting one week. It was accompanied by site visits and discussions.

Studio Coordinators:
Prof. Tom Kaden, Stephan Brugger, Markus Stangl

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