InSight USA

A Blueprint for American Prosperity. A Window of Opportunity

July 5 - September 7, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008, 6:30 pm

Speakers on the opening are:
Bruce Katz, Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program
Wolfgang Nowak, Alfred Herrhausen Society


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On Independence Day, the 4th of July 2008, the new American Embassy will be inaugurated at its former location directly adjacent to the famous Brandenburger Tor. In the framework of three exhibitions entitled „Insight USA“, Aedes uses the historical occasion to take a comprehensive look at contemporary american architecture developement. A Blueprint for American Prosperity. A Window of Opportunity The Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program, the oldest think tank in the United States and based in Washington DC, has launched a multi-year initiative to promote an economic agenda for the United States that builds on the assets of America’s metropolitan areas. The initiative, A Blueprint for American Prosperity, is uniquely timed to both influence and inform many of the policy debates central to the 2008 presidential election. The Blueprint argues that any effort to achieve economic prosperity that is robust, inclusive, and environmentally sustainable must empower U.S. metro areas, the drivers of the national and global economy where 80 percent of the U.S. population live. U.S. metropolitan areas are the hubs of research and innovation, centers of human capital, and ports of commerce and gateways of immigration. The exhibition presents this complex topic in a surprising installation that draws attention and invites visitors to contemplate how immense economic, social and environmental forces should be changing the decisions we make as a society. In four chapters, The Blueprint for American Prosperity explains recent challenges facing the United States and the necessities for both strategic and purposeful development of metropolitan areas. This exhibit is in many ways part of an overdue discussion—not just about the United States—but about Europe and the world.


An Aedes catalogue was published.
With a text by Wolfgang Novak
ISBN  978-3-937093-93-2
Price € 10,-