Johanne Nalbach, Berlin

Soberly - Sensually 7 Townhouses for Berlin


Aedes Cooperation Partners


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Johanne Nalbach, Berlin

The „Friedrichswerder“is situated next to the Gendarmenmarkt in opposite of the Federal Foreign Office and is the construction site of 47 „Berlin Townhouses „.This new city district lies on the historic site of the first city extension from the old town Berlin-Cölln, between 1650 and 1700, and will be redeveloped in following the historic pattern. The aim is to obtain and recapture the living in this old city district. This Type of urban housing gives the possibility to live in the historic center of the city and, at the same time, to have the advantage of living in a house with garden. A long and narrow shape creates the typicall characteristic of these lots. The senat department of the city decided not to restrain the ambitions for individual design of the houses. Just the size of the lots and the number of levels were regulated.So almost every kind of desired design for the clients is satisfiable. Every client could choose his own architect. The berlin sized architect Johanne Nalbach builds seven of these house. They are under construction yet and will be finished in 2007. The Townhouses by Johanne Nalbach The Townhouses are characterized by the integration into the urban context. The two houses on the Oberwallstrasse represent the dialog with the city. The urban space demands a higher grade of restrain of material and colour of the facades. The other side of the new city district, is dominated by the strong neighbourhood of the Federal Foreign Office. Five of the houses by Johanne Nalbach are situated in t his green area in front of the former Reichsbankgebäude. According to the architect the urban context gives the strength to a more individual design on this side for the houses and functions as a contrast to the regular historic façade of the 30s. The houses show the individuality of the clients and the influences of the regional and traditional culture through the articulation and choice of the materials of the facade. Representative living in the center of berlin with garden, roof terraces, living and working consolidated – the aim was to reach the most flexible possibilities of living. Level high windows dominate the design of the façade and submit the light to reach as far as possible into the depth of the houses. The center of the house is characterized by an open fireplace. The room´s altitude of 4 m and the vertical views produce a spatial liberality and emphasize the vertical idea of these houses. The linearity of the single run staircase, the free spaces and the galleries are the instruments to procure unconventional experiences of space. An Aedes catalogue will be published (€ 10)