Christoph Hildebrand

World Projector


Aedes Cooperation Partners


powered by BauNetz

Christoph Hildebrand

In the last years Christoph Hildebrand developed partly interactive light installations made of dozens of digitally controlled neon pictograms: "Neon Works". Now a new, technically comparably archaic workgroup is emerging, titled "Projectors". First in line will be the "World Projector", a light sculpture bespoke for the pavilion of the Aedes Architecture Forum in the Hackesche Höfe in Berlin. From the ceiling of this concrete cube with a glass front hangs a house, reduced to its basic forms, which, driven by a motor, will rotate about its axis. Instead of windows and doors symbols are cut into the walls, roof and floor, which show "a global cross-section of cultural values and technical achievements". A strong spot light will make the perforations glow and thus project the cut out forms onto the walls of the exhibition space and with diminishing daylight also on to the walls of the yard, just like an inverted silhouette. This artwork offers a however limited possibility of interaction. Visitors can contribute to the extension of the repertoire of symbols by writing their ideas with a marker on the glass wall. These ideas will gradually be integrated into the object. New symbols will displace the old ones - the resulting chippings will remain on the floor as witnesses of time.

In the presence of the artist Christoph Hildebrand.

Dr. Joana Breidenbach, Berlin

Many thanks to: Neonardo Werbeanlagen GmbH, hansen neon gmbh, Toni Maroni Dynamic Light System, Deutsche Real Estate AG.