Urban Think Tank, Caracas
The architects Alfredo Brillembourg and Hubert Klumpner, over the last ten years, have developed the Caracas/Venezuela based Urban-Think Tank (UTT) into an international network to face the challenges of uncontrolled urban growth in the dense informal centers of the 21st century Mega-cities.
The exhibit will include photos, videos and projects that question the notion of contemporary architecture and urbanism that pulls together some of the Urban Think Tanks most consistent propositions.
UTT has moved to propose design solutions, to make that crucial passage from protest to project in an effort to make a real impact in Caracas and in Europe and North America, presenting the relevance of their ideas for the Stadtwerk in Salzburg and for a Vertical Gym in Spanish Harlem, New York.
‘Moderating Urban Density’ exhibit shows how negotiation and design can work in the interface between the social conflicts and the production of new urban infrastructures, architecture, and sustainable human environments in the so called “barrios” of the informal mega city.
Speakers at the opening will be:
Kristin Feireiss Aedes Berlin
Ute Elisabeth Weiland Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft
Alfredo Brillembourg Architekt, Caracas
Hubert Klumpner Architekt, Caracas
Aedes Catalogue
An Aedes-catalogue will be published (€ 10.-)

The exhibition is supported by the Alcaldia Mayor Caracas, the Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Caracas, the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft, Arcelor and Zumtobel
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