Wolfram Schenck
Rechtsanwalt Wolfram Freiherr Schenck zu Schweinsberg, 1966*
Legal education:
- Bayreuth, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
- Munich, Germany
- Bordeaux, France
- Düsseldorf, Germany
- Capetown, South Africa
1996 Accreditation as a lawyer
specialised in architectural and construction law
title as ‘specialist solicitor for architectural and construction law’
allowed to all district courts, higher regional courts and administrative courts in Germany
member of ARGE-Baurecht DAV
member of Verein zur Förderung von Forschung und Lehre im privaten Baurecht an der Philipps-Universität in Marburg e.V.
1998 - 2001 company lawyer (Syndikusanwalt) at an insurance company for architects
2002 - 2017 lecturer for architectural and construction law and public procurement law at the Department of Architecture, University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund
2017 - 2018 lecturer for architectural and construction law at the Department of Architecture, University of Applied
Sciences in Düsseldorf
lawyer of confidence
Bund Deutscher Architekten BDAGermany
publication within
baunetz online database for architectural law